Getting That Elusive Second Gift By Writing Better Thank You's!

If you want to have a long-term relationship with your donors, better get the thank-you right!

Too often the thank you is delegated to the jr staff or worse, the accounting team, and not a lot of thought is given to it.

Free Cheat Sheet

Stop writing notes that that are dull as dishwater and do not talk to the donor about what they achieved.

    This valuable resource will help you avoid cookie-cutter boring thank-you's.

    David Oaks

    Fundraising Coach & Author

    Who am I?

    A former pastor and tireless advocate for the underestimated and underserved. My vision is to unleash the most generous generation in the history if the world!

    What will you learn?

    • How to write thank yous that inspire donors to give again and at ever increasing levels.
    • An easy, simple and unintimidating way to involve board members in the fundraising process.